Tag operating system

Learn from your mistakes (and backup /home)

I’ve been running Ubuntu since this summer, and have been very pleased. I hadn’t used Ubuntu as my primary desktop environment before, although I was familiar with it in a server and HTPC environment. It’s very intuitive, and has a…

Why you should build your own computer

How to build a computer

I first began tinkering with computers when an 80/88 was top of the line and the most memory you needed was 256KB. My most recent building project put together a very speedy, and very cost effective system based on an…

Is Linux the “poor-man’s” OS?

Even as Microsoft strives to expand it’s operating system exposure in foreign markets, Linux gets a boost at home from the nation’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart. Two weeks ago the king of discount shopping introduced a $200 PC. Now, the initial…

More Windows means less room for Linux

Yesterday, I wrote about the difficulty already inherent in getting Linux to the masses. It doesn’t help when Microsoft continues to work out deals with hardware manufacturers to increase the number of computers preloaded with Windows, rather than sell the…

Linux, for the masses?

The recent release of the Linux distribution Ubuntu has many wondering, is Linux ready for the masses? Version 7.10 of Ubuntu’s desktop Linux is definitely a Linux release that’s easy to use, navigate, and learn; especially if you’re computer literate.…